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Integrative Sport Treatment
Integrativ Idrotts Behan


Eastern Medicine has wonderful techniques and proven effects on physical training, especially in the areas of recovery and prevention.

Recovery: a combined treatment between physical treatment as massage, and Eastern Medicine reduces pain after a hard workout or in case of injury. By stimulating blood circulation and reducing inflammation, the recovery process is faster and more effective. Other symptoms as sleep, fatigue and stress can also be addressed, translating into a better performance after the recovery,

Prevention: an experienced Acupuncturist or therapist can determine the areas that an athlete needs care or identifying harmful patterns, even if there is no sign of injury yet. At the same time, a good treatment is capable of releasing the tension in muscles and tendons to increase flexibility during training. While increasing muscle power and endurance. 

Also... feeling anxious and stressed while performing? Good news! Acupuncture can help to reduce perform anxiety and help to focus during training.



The activation of certain points in major muscular sections of the body helps athletes to release the tension in that area and energize it with new blood circulation bringing more nutrients and the necessary proteins, endorphins and hormones. This results in a better and faster recovery; increase of flexibility and more power output.




Massage and Cupping:

Sports massage is one of the best ways to maintain a body which trains and prevent injuries and pain. The right manual techniques are proven to reduce the muscle soreness, improve circulation, and energize the muscle.

On the other hand, Cupping is a great way to finish a Sport Treatment. The negative vacuum created by the cups detoxifies the deep body tissue, gets blood circulation back in balance, and regenerates the muscles.

Integrative Behandling
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